Better Belize It

Our Belize travel route Belize The second last country on our backpacking adventure, Belize is small but very beautiful. 💰 Belizean Dollar (£1 = BZ$2.6 / $1 = BZ$2) ATM Caves Sadly not full of money, the Actun Tunichil Muknal Caves are meant to be incredible and well worth a visit. Belize City It's generally worth avoiding the capital cities in Central America - they're either not particularly safe, or just not as interesting as the rest of the country. Belize City is, however, where you get the water taxi to...: Caye Caulker Caye Caulker is a great wee island, that somehow has a China Town, despite only being about 5 miles long / 1 mile wide. We stayed at 🏡Dirty McNasty's, which has fab free breakfast and rum punch, but don't stay here unless you are guaranteed one of their newer rooms - their older rooms are just dirty and nasty. - 🏡 Bella's across the road is better. The Split The Lazy Liz...